Saturday, December 11, 2021

Blog Post 7 Big Data

 The collection and storage of data is a large part of our modern age of information and with it come many pros and cons. These large databases full of our private information such as address, location or place of employment are what we call big data. This “Big Data” is a tool and just like any tool it can be used for good or used for evil and oftentimes we see it being used for evil. These issues affect all of us, even those that think they are somehow protecting themselves by not posting information online. Every text, call and email is stored on mainframes in warehouses so big they cost millions of dollars and acres to create. This data is being used by tech companies, the government, both state and federal as well as police. All of these entities have a track record of using the tools they create for wrong doings which is why we shouldn't trust them with our data. Tech companies like facebook and twitter have a record of using the data they collect from their users to sway people into voting for particular candidates which was a big talking point in the 2020 presidential election. The federal and state governments have a history of oppression and mass imprisonment throughout the almost two hundred and fifty years that we've been a country. Lastly the police have a record of using the data they collect from multiple sources, including buying from those big tech companies, to discriminate against certain people with specific backgrounds, ethnicities and religions. These are just a few examples of what happens when those with too much power are given the tools that let them expand that power and do whatever malicious things they want to do unchecked by the populace. This is why as a people we must demand change, trying to hide your data from these entities is not enough, they've planned for that and have ways around that. We need laws in place that prevent them from collecting and storing this private data from us without our permission and we should hold them accountable for all of their actions involving the use of our data.


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