Saturday, December 11, 2021

Blog Post #6 Look Mom I'm on TV!!!


From the “each one teach one” on television I learned a few things that included when the television was first invented and the evolutionary process that it had to undergo in order to be the mainstream technological giant that it is now. Television was invented in 1927 by Philo Farnsworth, John Logie Baird and Charles Francis Jenkins and the first television broadcasting station was created the following year. Back then a tv would have about 200-400 resolution and now we are up to 8k worth of resolution. While the television revolutionized entertainment consumption for many individuals it mainly took place after the end of world war 2 because people were able to see the current events pertaining to what happened in the war. This is when we started to see the change of journalism styles from writers to in person interviewers because it is one thing to read an article about the news but it's another thing to actually see the news unfold and see the reactions from the people live on the scenes. The amount of television users then grew even further in 1960 when the first television satellite was launched into space making it possible for people to watch the moon landing from their homes. An event like this had never been heard of before for most people they never thought they would be able to see space from anything beyond a photograph so seeing it on their screens would have been an event they never would have forgotten. Unfortunately they had to watch all of these event unfold in black and white. It wasn't until 1966 when color television broadcasting became a thing allowing people to see the same television they had loved before but now in color the way they were accustomed to seeing everything in their day to day life

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