Saturday, December 11, 2021

Blog Post #11 Skynet had potential


When hearing about artificial intelligence and big data many people are scared to ask questions such as what will they do with this data and what will happen when AI becomes too advanced and takes everyone's jobs. While I do have those questions myself I have a different outlook on this technological evolution, I am not afraid I am excited for the future of AI. A future fueled by AI is one where humans aren't forced to do repetitive jobs they hate or work in dangerous fields. When AI replaces these jobs people will be happier and safer for it. Not only that but the world will be more efficient, humans are flawed and so is AI but they are less flawed and they have the ability to improve on their flaws in ways that humans are unable to. This is why I am fine with big data as it stands right now. Yes these companies know all of my information and the information of those around me but it is a small price to pay to contribute to technological evolution. Throughout history people have been afraid of change but it has always been for the better. When the assembly line came out people feared it would take many jobs away, which it did but people did what they do best and they adapted. Now we have assembly lines in every factory and there's no one saying we should get rid of them so that we can give more people jobs. This is because the good of the assembly line outweighs any of the bad it had and I believe the same thing will happen with AI and big data. So we must not be afraid of progress, we must embrace it and do whatever we can to aid in technological evolution.


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