Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Blog Post #1 News Sources

 My first new source is a collection of sources and it is just to surf the web for trusted news sources and read their articles. I do this because it allows me get a broader range of perspectives about a situation instead of looking at it from just one angle. I would recommend this to anyone who only uses one news outlet to gather information from.

My second news source is CNN. Of the five this is my least used source because I don't like watching too many mainstream sources of media. I do prefer CNN over other news sources like fox or msnbc partially because of my political leanings and partially because I try to avoid biased news sources. I would recommend this to anyone who only uses social media sites like facebook or twitter for their news.

My third news source would be Tiktok. I use it less as a factual news source and more as a way to put myself onto current events and then I use the other news sources listed to get more credible information so that I am factually informed. I recommend this source to the younger generation because it's a way for important issues to get onto your radar without you having to watch the mainstream news sources.

My fourth news source would be Twitter. Like Tiktok I use this source to gain information on what issues are going on then research them later. Recently Tiktok has been taking this position as a news source because twitter has recently been in hot water for censorship concerns. Like Tiktok I would recommend this to young people however I would have to recommend Tiktok over twitter for now.

My final news source is Youtube. I believe Youtube is one of the best sources we have now because of how many content creators are actively on there. Not all of them are credible but when you have this many people giving their opinions you are able to see a much broader range of opinions and perspectives than if you had just looked at any of the previously listed news sources. I would recommend this to everyone who is interested in getting many different viewpoints on current issues.

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